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Movie: The Matrix (1999)
The Matrix is a 1999 science fiction action film
At an abandoned hotel, police corner Trinity, but she overpowers them with superhuman abilities and escapes by answering a ringing public telephone. Computer programmer Thomas Anderson, aka “Neo”, is intrigued by the phrase “the Matrix”.
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Trinity contacts him, saying Morpheus has the answers he seeks. Agents and police, led by Agent Smith, search for Neo at his workplace. Morpheus tries to guide Neo to safety, but Neo surrenders.
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The Agents offer to erase Neo’s criminal record if he helps them find Morpheus, whom they claim is a terrorist. Neo refuses, and the Agents fuse his mouth shut and implant a robotic “bug” in his abdomen.
Có thể là hình ảnh về 4 người
Believing it a nightmare, Neo later meets Morpheus with Trinity’s help, and she removes the bug from him.

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